When I first joined the LME team in CLIQ, Craig messaged me to say 'I look forward to working with you, introducing you to my dog and my 2-year-old son.' Not your average welcome message, but then Craig wasn't an average colleague! He was full of humour, charisma, kindness and entertaining anecdotes! He loved to share updates about his family, whom he so clearly adored. My fondest memory of Craig is from a CLIQ team Christmas social on Zoom. Craig had to find something to wrap beginning with the letter 'B', so of course he wrapped Bryny and hands down won that round! Another funny memory I have is of having terrible back pain one day, unexpectedly finding out that Craig had done some training in physio in a former era, and getting an impromptu physiotherapy consultation with him via Zoom! Craig will be really missed. My thoughts and prayers are with Craig's family - his pride and joy. I am so sorry for your loss.